Freedom of Choice by Raymond Schlitter

A satirical piece on how the over abundance of mundane choices can enslave us. I found this to be especially so in Japan where people seem to work non-stop. But at least they have the cutest products in the world.

One may be inclined to think the more choices at hand, the greater his or her freedom. This really depends the nature of the choice. Say you have a lethal tumor growing near your brain. The situation is dire, but you find yourself in the position to choose a life saving operation. What would you choose to do? Count down the days to your own death, or opt for surgery? With very little thought most likely you would choose to get the surgery and never look back. Easy choice, right? On the other hand, imagine you walk into a convenience store with the intention of addressing the slight tug of appetite. You stand before an entire wall of bottled and canned drinks, multiple aisles of canned goods, boxed lunches, candy, chips, and so on. The choices are almost innumerable. You're processing... what I like, what's healthy or not, what's new, whoa, they also have gift cards, DVDs, porn? Do I need this? For a time you find yourself caught in a prison of mundane choices. This choice of light consequence appears to be much more difficult than a choice of heavy consequence. Are we not more free when not choosing, merely acting as a matter of course?

Mondo: In The Black Hair Chronicles by Raymond Schlitter

Mondo is a foreigner looking for love in the land of Easton. But he is unfamiliar with the feral secret of the women in this strange land. If he doesn't push all the right buttons, a tepid flower of a woman might reveal her true nature and transform into a bone whip wielding beast, or perhaps a psycho nurse with a two meter long syringe. These are the stories of Mondo.

Based off real experiences and starring myself, Mondo is one of my most personal works. A year after moving to Japan I found myself living in a period of estrangement, drifting in and out of awkward relationships. Deep down I wanted a meaningful relationship, commitment, love. But every person I met ended up being a character in a bad kind of way, and shamefully I tended to treat them as such.

Thus, a satirical comic book began to form. I think Mondo was my attempt at using humor to bring cohesion and meaning to an entanglement of odd life experiences.

ZAPI by Raymond Schlitter

During my 5 year period teaching English in Japan I was always thinking of an excuse to draw pictures for my job. One such idea was to write and illustrate a children's book I could share with my elementary aged students. As I was beginning to miss my family at the time, the story is based on the idea, "There's no place like home."  

Purchase the entire 20 page story in digital format for a single dollar on Amazon.

Beast Planet by Raymond Schlitter

Bore out of teenage angst, the original concept for Beast Planet arouse back in high school during a detention period I had to attend in place of a chemistry class I was doomed to fail. My off kilter mind created a violent world centering around a masked amnesic character who can only discover his past through bloodshed. Why has the planet transformed into a crimson nightmare full of grotesque monsters? Why do the souls of these monsters contain the memories of human lives? Who the hell am I? These are the mysteries Bachaus must unravel in Beast Planet. 

Since those troublesome years of public school I still occasionally revisit the world of Beast Planet to blow off some steam. Here is a vague comic book concept from the latest plunge.