
Juncajar: An Uncanny Universe by Raymond Schlitter

Juncajar. A universe where planets, moons, suns, and stars all swirl around like moths entranced by a fiery light in the center. In such a wild flux no one can predict the future events nor learn much from the past called history. In this world where one cannot say if the sun will rise tomorrow, present events rule all, and love is unyielding.

Yet, the estranged spirit known as Lordy Duke still believes in the future, and his power to shape it. His zealous devotion to astro cosmic analysis lead him to deny the inheritance of the entire kingdom of Orzo in order to pursue a misunderstood ambition more often called, stargazing.

Within his asteroid tree house hermitage, drifting somewhere in the outer swirls of the great cluster, it appears Lordy Duke does just that - stargazing.

What could he be looking for?

A legend so old and far-fetching it can only be told with the lightest of heart. For ancient accounts describe enormous planet-sized fish creatures that swam deep in the black sea of night sky. With shimmering metallic jaws lined with millions of razor sharp teeth, the Gigagills devoured cosmic debris, asteroids, moons, and even planets.

Oh, there's much more to the story, but it becomes too erotic to share here. Really, I'll keep that part to myself ;p